Reporting temporary and occasional work in a regulated profession as an EU citizen

Are you an EU citizen and would you like to work in the Netherlands in a regulated (protected) profession. For example as a lawyer or teacher? Then you need recognition from the Netherlands of your professional qualifications. Do you only want to work on a temporary or occasional basis? If so, you do not need official recognition, but must notify a competent authority before you start work. 

Last updated on 18 May 2022

Lees deze informatie in het Nederlands

Tijdelijk en incidenteel (temporary and occasional) work

You are only permitted to practise a regulated profession if you have the legally required professional qualifications. There are requirements in terms of educational qualifications, degrees or certificates and experience.

In the case of 'tijdelijk en incidenteel' (temporary and occasional) work, you do not need recognised professional qualifications. In that case, prior notification is sufficient. Whether your stay is indeed 'tijdelijk en incidenteel' will be assessed with each application. The assessment will take into account the duration, frequency, regularity and continuity of the work.

Reporting 'tijdelijk en incidenteel' work

You must notify a bevoegde autoriteit (recognised institution or competent authority) of 'tijdelijk en incidenteel' work. Nufffic, the organisation for internationalisation in education in the Netherlands, can provide the necessary information regarding which competent authority you will need to contact.

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