The Fundamental Rights and Algorithm Impact Assessment (FRAIA) helps to map the risks to human rights in the use of algorithms ...
Report | 31-07-2021
Members of the Media Freedom Coalition issue a statement on media freedom in Hong Kong.
Diplomatic statement | 13-07-2021
We express our grave concern about the adoption by the Hungarian Parliament of amendments which discriminate against LGBTIQ ...
Diplomatic statement | 22-06-2021
Publication | 17-05-2021
Today, on the International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia, The Netherlands joins the Declaration of fourteen ...
Diplomatic statement | 17-05-2021
Ten years ago, after long and demanding yet also thorough deliberations, we signed a pivotal treaty. The gold standard for ...
Speech | 11-05-2021
Statement of the Equal Rights Coalition on Human Rights Violations and Abuses against LGBTI in the Chechen Republic of the ...
Diplomatic statement | 19-04-2021
Speech by the Minister for International Trade and Development Cooperation, Sigrid Kaag, at the Brussels V Conference.
Speech | 30-03-2021
10 years old. That's the age of the Syrian boy named Youssef who recently walked into a Dutch motorway petrol station near ...
Speech | 15-03-2021
This text has been spoken by Minister Blok in a video for the Event Alliance for Multilateralism on 24 February 2021.
Speech | 24-02-2021