How do I make a secure copy of my ID using the KopieID app?

The KopieID app allows you to make a secure copy of your identification documents (ID) using your mobile phone or tablet.

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Make a secure copy of your ID with the KopieID app

The KopieID app allows you to create a copy of your ID with the details blacked out which organisations do not need or are not allowed to process. This could be your national identification number such as a Burgerservicenummer – BSN (citizen service number), national insurance number or social security number but also a photo or signature. This depends on the organisation that has asked for the copy and the purpose of the copy.

You can also use the app to put a watermark in the copy. In this watermark, you state the purpose and date of the copy. You can add the watermark even if you haven't blacked out any details. You can then send or print the copy. 

It is also possible to securely save the edited copy (i.e. if details have been blacked out). This way, it is possible to reuse a copy.

What if the copy does end up in the hands of fraudsters? Then the KopieID app makes it harder for them to defraud with it.

Download the KopieID app

You can download the KopieID app at the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. The app is a publication of the Rijksdienst voor Identiteitsgegevens – RvIG (National Office for Identity Data), part of the Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties (Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations).