Documents - International peace and security

96 documents on International peace and security

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  1. Message from Minister Bruins Slot at the IAEA General Conference in Vienna

    Transcript of the video message by Hanke Bruins Slot, Minister of Foreign Affairs, at the 67th International Atomic Energy Agency ...

    Speech | 26-09-2023

  2. International Cyber Strategy 2023-2028

    The International Cyber Strategy (ICS) 2023-2028 describes the Netherlands' aims to contribute to an open, free and secure cyber ...

    Publication | 12-09-2023

  3. Marco político Multilateralismo mundial

    Spanish translation, and summary, of the policy framework Global Multilateralism 2022-2026. 

    Policy note | 17-08-2023

  4. Cadre d’action gouvernemental Multilatéralisme mondial

    French translation, and summary, of the policy framework Global Multilateralism 2022-2026. 

    Policy note | 17-08-2023

  5. Joint statement by Canada and the Kingdom of the Netherlands on instituting proceedings at the International Court of Justice to hold Syria to account for torture

    Joint statement by Canada and the Kingdom of the Netherlands on instituting proceedings at the International Court of Justice to ...

    Diplomatic statement | 12-06-2023

  6. Policy framework Global Multilateralism 2022-2026

    The policy framework ‘Global Multilateralism: Defining the Kingdom of the Netherlands’ position in a changing multilateral global ...

    Publication | 08-06-2023

  7. Summary Policy Framework Global Multilateralism 2022-2026

    The summary of the policy framework ‘Global Multilateralism: Defining the Kingdom of the Netherlands’ position in a changing ...

    Publication | 08-06-2023

  8. The Africa Strategy of the Netherlands 2023-2032

    The first Dutch continent-wide strategy on Africa comprises an integrated vision of political and economic cooperation with the ...

    Publication | 31-05-2023

  9. The Netherlands and the United States conclude second inter-agency dialogue on cyber issues

    On 4 May 2023, in The Hague, the Netherlands and the United States concluded their second inter-agency dialogue on cyber ...

    Diplomatic statement | 09-05-2023

  10. Speech by Minister of Foreign Affairs Wopke Hoekstra introducing President Zelenskyy

    Speech by Dutch Minister of Foreign Affairs Wopke Hoekstra introducing President Zelenskyy in The Hague on 4 May 2023.

    Speech | 04-05-2023