Applying for compensation following an unlawful decision by a public authority

Have you suffered damage as a result of an unlawful decision by a public authority? For example, has there been a wrongful refusal of an application for a benefit? Or have you suffered damage because a public authority took too long to take a decision? If so, you can submit an application for compensation to the court.

Lees deze informatie in het Nederlands

Submitting an application for compensation

You first submit an application for compensation to the public authority that took the decision. Has your application been refused? Or do you disagree with the amount of compensation? If so, you can submit your application to the court.

Apply to the appropriate court

The court to which you should submit your application for compensation (link in Dutch) depends on the nature and amount of your claim. You can submit your application either to the bestuursrechter (administrative court) (link in Dutch) or to the burgerlijke rechter (civil court) (link in Dutch).

Laws and regulations

Algemene wet bestuursrecht