Objecting to a decision made by a public authority

Do you disagree with a decision made by a public authority? For example, was a subsidy that you applied for rejected? If so, there are some situations where you can make an official objection. You can do so by submitting an objection to the public authority that made the decision.

Lees deze informatie in het Nederlands

Conditions for submitting an objection

There are various situations in which you can object to a public authority’s decision (in Dutch). For example, if you disagree with the decision on your own application. Or the decision on someone else's application. More information about when you can submit an objection can be found (in Dutch) in the brochure Bezwaar en beroep tegen een beslissing van de overheid (Objection to and appeal against a decision by a public authority).

Submitting an objection

You can submit your notice of objection to the public authority that made the decision. You must do this within 6 weeks of the decision being made.

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