Am I allowed to work as a prostitute in the Netherlands?
You may work as a prostitute in the Netherlands if you are over the age of 18. You must also satisfy a number of conditions, which depend on your country of origin.
Prostitutes from EEA countries (except Croatia) and Switzerland
If you are a citizen of one of the countries within the European Economic Area (EEA) (except Croatia) or Switzerland, you may work in the sex industry as a paid employee or a freelancer. You will need a valid identification card.
There is also the ‘opt-in system’ (voorwaardenpakket). This is a package of standard working conditions. By ‘opting in’ a prostitute can work for a business owner without being an employee. A business owner who wishes to apply this system must obtain an advance tax ruling regarding prostitution from the Tax and Customs Administration (Belastingdienst).
If you are a citizen of Croatia, you may only work in the sex industry as a freelancer.
Prostitutes from outside the EEA
If you are from outside the EEA, you may only work in the sex industry as a freelancer. You will need a valid residence permit with the status ‘freelance work permitted’.
Conditions for working in the sex industry
All the conditions for working as a prostitute can be found in the ‘Working in prostitution in the Netherlands’ brochure (in Dutch).
Prostitution and exploitation
Are you being exploited or working as a prostitute against your will? Or do you know someone who is involved in this? Ask for ...
As a prostitute, where can I report unsafe working conditions?
You can contact the Netherlands Labour Authority if you have any questions or complaints about unsafe working conditions. The ...
Where can I get help if I am being forced to work as a prostitute?
If you are a victim of forced prostitution, there are a number of agencies you can turn to for help or assistance. You can always ...