Complaining to a healthcare provider

If you have a complaint about your healthcare provider or if you are unhappy with the quality of care provided, you should first discuss this with the doctor or healthcare institution. However, if you are unable to resolve the matter, or if you would prefer not to discuss your complaint with your healthcare provider, you can contact your healthcare provider’s complaints officer.

Last updated on 17 August 2021

Lees deze informatie in het Nederlands

Contacting a complaints officer

Every healthcare provider must have a complaints officer, who you can contact to discuss your complaint (in Dutch). The complaints officer can mediate to find a solution that is acceptable to all parties.

Other ways to complain

If a conversation with your healthcare provider – with or without the mediation of a complaints officer – does not resolve the problem, there are other ways to complain about a doctor or healthcare institution (in Dutch). This can include involving a dispute settlement body or the Dutch Healthcare Disciplinary Board. The Landelijk Meldpunt Zorg can give you further information about the available options for resolving your complaint.

Laws and regulations (in Dutch)

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