Filing a complaint with a secondary vocational or adult education school complaints committee

Do you have a complaint regarding a school for middelbaar beroepsonderwijs – MBO (secondary vocational education)  or voortgezet algemeen volwassenenonderwijs – VAVO (adult education)? Such as on the conduct of an instructor or on a decision by the school board? If so, please contact the instructor or school management first. If you are unable to resolve the matter with them, you can file a complaint with the school's klachtencommissie (complaints committee).

Last updated on 12 October 2022

Lees deze informatie in het Nederlands

Complaints committee

Every MBO school must have a complaints committee where anyone may submit a complaint. After investigating the complaint, the complaints committee will issue its opinion to the schoolbestuur (school board). The school board may take measures based on this opinion.

If the school you wish to complain about does not have its own complaints committee, you can contact the Landelijk Klachtencommissie Onderwijs – LKC (in Dutch).

Filing a complaint

You may submit your complaint to the complaints committee at the school. Or to the LKC if the school does not have its own complaints committee. Check if the school has a staff member who helps with the complaint process.

Laws and regulations (in Dutch)

Wet educatie en beroepsonderwijs, artikel 7.5.2

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