Applying for financial support from the secondary vocational education student fund

Are you on an middelbaar beroepsonderwijs – MBO (secondary vocational education) course? Do you need financial assistance, for example because your parents do not have enough money to buy school books? If so, you can apply to your school for an allowance from the MBO-studentenfonds (secondary vocational education student fund).

Last updated on 13 July 2022

Lees deze informatie in het Nederlands

Conditions of the secondary vocational education student fund

You can receive money from the secondary vocational education student fund if: 

  • your studies are delayed due to special circumstances, such as pregnancy or a disability; 
  • your parents have a low income; 
  • you are a member of the student council at your MBO school, or of the medezeggenschapsraad (participation council), the board or a large student organisation; 
  • you volunteer for an administrative or social organisation. You thus commit yourself to your school or course. 

Are you unsure whether you meet the requirements for the MBO-studentenfonds? If so, ask your school about this.

Applying for an allowance from the secondary vocational education student fund

You apply to your school for the financial support.

Laws and regulations (in Dutch)

Wet educatie en beroepsonderwijs, artikel 8.1.5

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