Appealing against a negative BSA (binding study recommendation) for your higher education programme

All participants of a HBO (higher vocational education) or WO (scientific/academic education) programme receive a study recommendation at the end of the first year of their study. This binding study recommendation called BSA (bindend studieadvies) is either positive or negative.

If you get a negative binding study recommendation, the institution can terminate your registration for your programme. If you disagree with a negative BSA, you can lodge an objection and afterwards an appeal against the institution’s decision with your college or university.

Last updated on 18 September 2023

Lees deze informatie in het Nederlands

Institution may stop your programme when your BSA is negative

You receive a negative BSA if your academic results are insufficient. If so, your college or university may decide that you must stop your programme. In that case, you cannot take the same HBO programme at the same institution again. Or participate in programmes that have the same foundation year as the course you attended at your college or university. Ask at your college or university for how long the negative BSA is in effect, and until when you are not allowed to register for the programme.

Lodging an objection against a BSA

Do you disagree with a negative BSA and do you want to lodge an objection against it (in Dutch)? You can do so with the Beroep voor de Examens – CBE (Examinations Appeal Board) of your college or university. You must do this within 6 weeks of receiving the negative BSA.

You must indicate why you disagree with the negative BSA. For example, because you feel that you have received too little mentoring or because of personal circumstances. Sometimes, you may be able to resit your exams, or you may be given extra time. This may be the case if the CBE considers that your objection is at partially justified.

Lodging an objection in the event of rejection by the CBE

Has the CBE rejected your objection? And do you disagree with that rejection? If so, you can lodge an appeal with the CBE or with the Administrative Jurisdiction Division of the Council of State (in Dutch). This division handles matters regarding students who lodge appeals.

Legal assistance with lodging appeals

Do you disagree with a negative BSA and do you  find it difficult to draw up a notice of appeal yourself? If so, get in touch with a Juridisch Loket, a legal advice centre or your legal protection insurance for legal assistance (in Dutch). They will help you draw up a notice of appeal.

Laws and regulations (in Dutch)

Wet op het hoger onderwijs en wetenschappelijk onderzoek, hoofdstuk 7, titel 4

Wet op het hoger onderwijs en wetenschappelijk onderzoek, artikel 7.8b

Uitvoeringsbesluit WHW 2008, artikel 2.1

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