Voluntarily filling any gaps in state pension (AOW) qualifying years

If you are reaching retirement age but you have not lived in the Netherlands all your life, you will still receive a state pension (AOW). However, the benefit payment will be 2% less for each year in which you have not lived in the Netherlands. You can voluntarily fill any gaps in state pension (AOW) qualifying years by making a payment to the Sociale Verzekeringsbank (SVB).

Last updated on 11 February 2025

Lees deze informatie in het Nederlands

Premium for filling any gaps in state pension (AOW) qualifying years

You must pay a premium for every year you have not lived in the Netherlands. The total of all the premiums for those years is the amount that you need to pay to voluntarily fill any gaps in state pension (AOW) qualifying years.

Eligibility for paying contributions to fill any gaps in state pension (AOW) qualifying years

If you wish to fill any gaps in state pension (AOW) qualifying years, you must meet certain conditions. For example, you must apply to fill any gaps within 10 years of first coming to live or work in the Netherlands. Please consult the SVB website to find out about eligibility for filling any gaps in state pension (AOW) qualifying years.

Applying to pay contributions to fill any gaps in state pension (AOW) qualifying years

Please contact the SVB to apply to fill any gaps in state pension (AOW) qualifying years

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