Applying for student allowance for secondary education

If you are in secondary education and are between 18 and 30 years of age, you may be eligible for a student allowance. This is a sum of money that you can use for expenses such as purchasing books or your tuition fee.

Last updated on 6 June 2023

Lees deze informatie in het Nederlands

Conditions for student allowance

To receive a student allowance, you must be in a: 

  • full-time secondary education programme
  • full-time secondary programme for special education
  • full-time secondary programme for voortgezet algemeen volwassenenonderwijs – VAVO (adult education)

Read the conditions for the allowance (in Dutch) on the website of Dienst Uitvoering Onderwijs – DUO (education implementation service).

Apply for a contribution via My DUO

You can apply for the allowance via Mijn DUO (in Dutch).

Apply for additional allowance

You can also receive an additional allowance (in Dutch). This depends on your parents' income. View the maximum monthly amount of this allowance (in Dutch).

Laws and regulations (in Dutch)

Wet tegemoetkoming onderwijsbijdrage en schoolkosten, paragraaf 4.2

Regeling tegemoetkoming onderwijsbijdrage en schoolkosten

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