Paying motor vehicle tax
If you have a motor vehicle registered in your name, for example, a car or a motorcycle, you do not have to submit a separate motor vehicle tax (motorrijtuigenbelasting, MRB) declaration. Registering the vehicle in your name is your declaration. You then receive a payment notice from the Belastingdienst (Tax and Customs Administration). This indicates the amount of motor vehicle tax you must pay.
Last updated on 10 October 2022
Lees deze informatie in het Nederlands
How much motor vehicle tax will I pay?
If you want to know the amount of motor vehicle tax you must pay, you can work it out using the calculator (in Dutch) on the Belastingdienst website.
How do I pay my motor vehicle tax?
You can pay the bill via a direct debit or by paying in instalments (in Dutch).
Laws and regulations (in Dutch)
Wet op de motorrijtuigenbelasting 1994, hoofdstuk III