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  1. UNGA79: Speech by Minister Veldkamp at the event on Combating Antisemitism and Hate Speech through Education

    Speech by Caspar Veldkamp, Minister of Foreign Affairs, at the event on Combating Antisemitism and Hate Speech through Education, ...

    Speech | 23-09-2024

  2. UNGA79: Speech by Minister Veldkamp at the LGBTI Core Group event

    Speech by Caspar Veldkamp, Minister of Foreign Affairs, at the LGBTI Core Group event at the 79th UN General Assembly, on 23 ...

    Speech | 23-09-2024

  3. UNGA79: Speech by Minister Veldkamp - AI for Humanity: Charting a Global Course for Human Rights-Based Governance (Freedom Online Coalition)

    Speech by Caspar Veldkamp, Minister of Foreign Affairs, at the 79th UN General Assembly – AI for Humanity: Charting a Global ...

    Speech | 23-09-2024

  4. Hyperloop in the Benelux: Opportunities for cross-border connectivity and high-tech cluster development

    Study investigating the potential of Hyperloop development for the Benelux countries and North Rhine-Westphalia.

    Report | 23-09-2024

  5. Speech by The Netherlands Minister of Defence, Ruben Brekelmans, at the Airborne commemorations in Ginkel Heath, The Netherlands

    Speech | 21-09-2024

  6. Speech Prime Minister Schoof at 80th Airborne commemoration ceremony in Driel

    Speech | 21-09-2024

  7. Speech by Minister Veldkamp at the conference Yezidi Survivors: Pathways towards Justice and Resilience

    Speech by Caspar Veldkamp, Minister of Foreign Affairs, at the conference Yezidi Survivors: Pathways towards Justice and ...

    Speech | 20-09-2024

  8. Speech by State Secretary for Defence at commemoration Waal crossing

    State Secretary Gijs Tuinman of the Netherlands held this speech when Nijmegen commemorates the historic Waal crossing of 80 ...

    Speech | 20-09-2024

  9. Speech by Minister Veldkamp at the virtual conference Restoring Justice for Ukraine

    Speech by Caspar Veldkamp, Minister of Foreign Affairs, at the virtual conference Restoring Justice for Ukraine, on 19 September ...

    Speech | 19-09-2024

  10. Kingdom of the Nederlands’ explanation of the vote on the UN Resolution on the Advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice on the legal consequences arising from Israel’s policies and practices in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and from the illegality of Israel’s continued presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory

    United Nations General Assembly Resolution on the Advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice on the legal ...

    Diplomatic statement | 18-09-2024