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  1. Évaluation finale Bangué Kolossi Nyèta, Actions pour l’amélioration de la sante de la reproduction et de la planification familiale au Mali

    Ce programme s'est déroulé de 2016 à 2020 en 8 régions et Bamako. Les objectifs visent à améliorer la coordination des activités ...

    Report | 12-11-2020

  2. Evaluation finale du Programme Gouvernance Locale Redevable au Mali

    Ce rapport concerne les résultats de l'étude d'évaluation du Programme Gouvernance Locale Redevabilité. Ce programme s'est ...

    Report | 31-10-2020

  3. Evaluation Finale du Programme Renforcement Chaines de Valeurs Oignon/Échalote Poisson/Pisciculture Mali

    This report evaluates the "Jege ni Jaba" programme in Mali. This report is in French. Ce rapport concerne les résultats de ...

    Report | 14-10-2020

  4. Avis de durabilité pour la gestion des eaux du Sourou - Mali

    La Commission Néerlandaise pour l’Évaluation Environnementale (CNEE) a donné un avis à l’Ambassade du Royaume des Pays-Bas à ...

    Report | 08-12-2020

  5. Security and the rule of law

    The Dutch government wants to contribute to security and the rule of law in fragile states.

  6. Addressing Root Causes Fund

    Within the broader efforts of the Cabinet in dealing with migration issues, The Netherlands works towards tackling the root ...

  7. Countries and regions

    In the field of foreign trade and development cooperation the Netherlands has a special relationship with certain countries. ...

  8. Developing the private sector in developing countries

    Worldwide, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) drive economic development and provide jobs and income. This also benefits ...

  9. Regional departments

    These departments develop coherent, effective policy on the world's regions and countries.

  10. Food security, sustainable agriculture and water management

    The Dutch government wants to contribute to global food security. Please see for more information