Main asbestos regulations

Asbestos can be a health hazard. That is why Dutch authorities regulate its use and removal. Recently the government proposed a bill to ban asbestos roofs as of 31 December 2024. But the bill did not make it through the Senate.

Asbestos no longer used in new products

As of 1 July 1993 individuals and businesses in the Netherlands are not allowed to use, reuse, store, sell, import, repurpose, treat or give away asbestos. In 2005 a similar ban was introduced across the entire European Union. New products are not allowed to contain asbestos because, when breathed in, asbestos fibres can cause life-threatening diseases.

Replacing your asbestos roof

The older an asbestos roof is, the greater the risk that it will release fibres. Anyone with an asbestos roof is therefore advised to have it removed. 

If you are planning to replace your asbestos roof, keep the following in mind:

  • Responsibility for the removal of an asbestos roof lies with the building’s owners.
  • You must submit a demolition notice (in Dutch) to your local authorities beforehand. If you will be using a licensed asbestos removal company, ask them to submit the demolition notification for you.

Other asbestos-containing materials and products

Prior to 1994 asbestos was used in a variety of different materials and products, including cement, linoleum, heating systems and hot plates. Photos of products containing asbestos are available on the IPLO website (in Dutch).

To know for certain whether something contains asbestos, have a licensed asbestos removal company carry out an asbestos survey and draw up a report. Again, if you find asbestos, consult the step-by-step plan for what to do in that situation.

Asbestos management plan for non-hazardous asbestos

If the results of the asbestos survey show that there is asbestos-containing material (like cement) in the building and there are no plans to tear down or renovate the building, it may be safe to leave the material where it is. Asbestos-containing material that isn’t easily damaged won’t release asbestos fibres and does not usually pose a health risk. But it is still a good idea for building owners to identify and assess any possible risks. And to draw up an asbestos management plan with clear information on how the building can be used safely.

Always ask your municipality for more information

Your municipality may have additional regulations on asbestos. For example, some local authorities require building owners to remove a severely damaged asbestos roof or face a fine. So always ask your municipality for information if you find asbestos on your property.