How is a place in a care or nursing home financed?

If you are living in long-term residential care and you have a care needs assessment, most of the costs of your care will be paid for from the public purse. However, you will have to pay for some products and services yourself.

Own contribution

Care institutions receive money from the government, but you do have to pay towards the costs of your care. The Central Administrative Office (CAK) will calculate how much you have to pay.

Private nursing homes and care homes are not funded by the government, so you will have to pay all the costs of care and accommodation there yourself. You might be able to pay for some or all of it from your personal budget (PGB).

Extra costs

You do not have to pay extra for many of the products and services in a care home or nursing home, such as special transport, a wheelchair or a shower seat.

However, you may have to pay separately for products and services that are not medically necessary. For example, most homes provide a cable television connection in every room, but not a television. You will also have to pay the cable TV package yourself.

Your care or nursing home can give you more information about extra costs.