Filing a complaint with the primary school complaints committee

Do you disagree with the way things are going at your child's primary school? For example, do you have a complaint about a teacher's behaviour or a decision by the school board? If so, discuss it first with your child's teacher, or with the school management. If you can't work it out together then you can file a complaint with the complaints committee.

Last updated on 11 October 2022

Lees deze informatie in het Nederlands

Complaints committee

Every school must have a klachtencommissie  (complaints committee), which parents and pupils can turn to if they have a complaint. After investigating the complaint, the complaints committee issues its opinion to the school’s governing board. Based on that opinion, the school’s governing board can take measures.

If the school you wish to complain about does not have its own complaints committee, it must be affiliated with a regional or national complaints committee (in Dutch).

Submitting a complaint

The procedure for submitting complaints to the complaints committee is set out in the school’s prospectus. You can also ask a confidential adviser at the school to help you submit your complaint.

Laws and regulations (in Dutch)

Law on primary education, article 14

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