Documents - Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations

112 documents of Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations

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  1. Overview contact details eIDAS

    In this overview you will find the contact details for questions about log-in tools per country of the European Union (EU). ...

    Publication | 10-02-2021

  2. Dutch government assessment of the European Commission’s 2020 Rule of Law Report

    Letter of 30 October 2020 from the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Minister of Justice and Security, the Minister of the ...

    Parliamentary document | 08-12-2020

  3. (Spanish) Modelo matriz de la fotografía 2020: criterios de aceptacíon

    Publication | 18-06-2020

  4. (French) Spécifications photos version 2020: critères d'acceptation

    Publication | 18-06-2020

  5. Photo specification guidelines 2020 - Criteria for accepting passport photos in Dutch travel documents

    Applicants for travel documents are required to submit a colour passport photo that shows a true likeness of themselves. A photo ...

    Publication | 18-06-2020

  6. Human rights report 2019

    International human rights policy: activities and results.

    Report | 16-06-2020

  7. National Action Plan on human rights 2020

    The National Human Rights Action Plan 2020 describes how the government wants to protect and promote human rights in the ...

    Publication | 31-05-2020

  8. Can I use my DigiD to access public services online in other EEA countries?

    You can use your DigiD to access public services in other countries within the European Economic Area (EEA).

    Question and answer

  9. Does the ban on face coverings apply at all healthcare institutions?

    Yes. From 1 August 2019 you may no longer wear clothing that makes your face unidentifiable, such as a full-face motorcycle ...

    Question and answer

  10. What does the partial ban on face coverings entail?

    On 1 August 2019 a ban was introduced on face coverings on public transport or in and around government, healthcare or ...

    Question and answer