Applying for a subsidy for travel costs for dance and music (DAMU) pupils

Does your child attend a primary or secondary school for dans of muziek – DAMU (dance or music)? Is that school far from your home? If so, you may be eligible for a subsidy for travel costs. 

Last updated on 27 June 2023

Lees deze informatie in het Nederlands

Conditions for a subsidy for travel costs

Some examples of the conditions for a grant for travel costs:

  • Your child has to travel more than 20 kilometers to secondary school. Or more than 25 kilometers to primary school.
  • Your child must be enrolled in a higher professional education programme in dance or music.

View all conditions, the amount of the subsidy and the list of required documents (in Dutch) on the website of de Dienst Implementing Subsidies to Institutions (DUS-I).

Apply for a travel allowance at DUS-I

DUS-I is responsible for awarding the subsidy. You can apply at DUS-I at the beginning of the school year, from August 15 to October 15.

Laws and regulations (in Dutch)

Subsidieregeling reiskosten DAMU-leerlingen PO

Subsidieregeling reiskosten DAMU-leerlingen VO

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