
61 search results

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  1. Which organisations are allowed to make a copy of my ID?

    Find out which organisations in the Netherlands are allowed to take a copy of your ID.

    Question and answer

  2. How do I make a secure copy of my ID using the KopieID app?

    The KopieID app allows you to make a secure copy of your ID using your mobile phone or tablet.

    Question and answer

  3. Asking Central Government a question on X

    Ask your question about the laws or regulations in the Netherlands on Central Government’s

  4. Applying for a DigiD as a state pensioner outside the Netherlands

    DigiD applications made by state pensioners outside the Netherlands at SVB website.

  5. Asking Central Government a question on WhatsApp

    Ask your question about the laws or rules in the Netherlands on Central Government’s WhatsApp number.

  6. Asking Central Government a question on Facebook

    Ask your question about the laws or rules in The Netherlands on Central Government’s Facebook page.

  7. How can I get online access to the services of a Dutch public sector organisation from another EEA country?

    You can get online access to the services of a Dutch public sector organisation from another EEA country using your DigiD.

    Question and answer

  8. What do I need to arrange if I’m moving to the Netherlands?

    If you are moving to the Netherlands there are a lot of things you need to arrange.

    Question and answer

  9. Applying for a Dutch passport outside the Netherlands

    Dutch citizens living outside the Netherlands can apply for a new passport or identity card from most Dutch embassies and ...

  10. Applying for a DigiD from outside the Netherlands

    Applying for a DigiD while living outside the Netherlands.